Yes, I Really Am A Cat Lady

I've been a cat lover ever since I was a kid, but adopting my rescue cats, Peggy and Sally, as an adult made me even more cat-obsessed than I ever imagined! They quickly became a massive and important part of my life, being at my side for almost two decades.

While they are sadly no longer with me, they led me to adopt a cheeky tuxedo kitty we called Bodhi. Over the years, the more cat obsessed I became, the more cat stuff I looked for but I just couldn't find what I wanted - high quality, cute products for my house or to wear at an affordable price.

So I decided to make them myself, and opened this store! It wasn't easy, because I knew absolutely nothing about designing products or making websites - and I still had a full time day job! While it took months to figure everything out and was hard work I am really pleased I persevered because it was lots of fun - and now I get to share my store with you! Wanna know a more, check out my About Us page.

Avocato T-Shirt and Mug + 4 FREEBIES

Ready to take your love of cats and avocados to the next level? Meet the Avocato t-shirt and mug - a perfect combo of feline fun and fresh style!

FREE Gift includes:
- Avocado keyring
- "Avocato" pin badge
- Avocado socks
- Avocado recipe ebook

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