Caring For Cats After Neutering Or Spaying

Posted by Nicola Cilliers on

If you've just had your cat spayed or neutered, read this excellent advice from the PDSA on how to take wonderful care of your cat to ensure a speedy recovery. Read on...

Your cat will wake from their anaesthetic under careful watch, and then placed in a warm, comfortable bed to recover. Most cats can return home a few hours after their operation, but some need to be monitored for longer. 

When your cat comes home from their operation, they might be a bit sleepy and disorientated. This can last for several hours, but they will start to feel much better as the anaesthetic drugs wear-off (usually within 24-48 hours). Once your cat is feeling brighter and more energetic, it’s likely that they will want to run around as normal, but it’s important that they rest for 7-10 days to prevent any complications. If necessary, you may need to confine them to one room and make sure there is no furniture for them to jump on.

Caring For Cats After Neutering Or Spaying

Protecting the wound

It’s likely that your cat will be given a protective cone/buster collar to stop them licking and nibbling at their wound. Speak to your vet beforehand if you would like a soft buster collar or a body suit for you cat.

Male cats often only have one check-up, or may not need a check-up at all if they are doing well. Female cats often need to be checked 2-3 days and 7-10 days after their operation to make sure they are healing and feeling well. Talk to your vet if you have any concerns about your cat after their operation.

Stitch removal
Most male cats don’t have stitches when they are castrated because the wounds are so small that they heal by themselves (like a small cut). Female cats, may or may not need stitches removing depending whether your vet used dissolvable stitches (usually blue/purple coloured). Non-dissolvable stitches will need to be removed 7-14 days after their operation.

Going outdoors
Male cats can go back outside and return to full exercise as soon as their wounds have healed over. Females need to be rested for a little longer and should be rested for approximately 10-14 days before being allowed back outside.

Get more information about neutering and spaying from the PDSA here