How we help cats

Give & Grow donations by Pledge

I am so happy to announce that Purrtastic Presents have partnered with Pledge to help cats in need! We donate a portion of every sale to the Oxfordshire Animal Welfare Sanctuary 🐾❤️

We raised £1,000 to help cats 

In May of 2021, my partner, Steve, and I took on a running challenge to raise funds for the Hounslow Animal Welfare Society. We raised more than we hoped and were very grateful for all the donations received via Go Fund Me - see the video and updates below for more info.

Final Update: 31 May 2021

We finished our month of running! 😺 I ended up running 62 miles instead of 50 (because this rounded it up to 100 km which I thought had a nice ring to it!). Steve did 125 miles, which was just incredible! We were able to raise £1,000 (approx $1,400) from our fabulous friends, family and colleagues for the Hounslow Animal Welfare Society, an amazing no-kill animal welfare organisation in West London. Thank you all very much!!!! If anyone still wanted to donate to our cause, you can do so by visiting the Go Fund Me page. 😺😺

Update: 17 May 2021

Thank you to everyone who has donated to this worthy cause! We have raised  £735 (approx $1,000) which is just amazing! We still have 14 days to go and hope to reach our fundraising, and running, target by then! Thank you!

The Running Challenge

As the founder of Purrtastic Presents, you'd guess that I am a cat lover and as such I want to help cats wherever I can! My partner and I have decided to do our first fundraising event during the month of May 2021! 

We will complete a running challenge in which I will run 50 miles and he will do 125 miles during the course of May! We are not runners so these distances are quite daunting for us! But, regardless of how tough it is, we're excited to be making a difference to the lives of
countless cats! 

We will be raising funds for the Hounslow Animal Welfare Society and if you'd like to help donate money to this worthy cause, please do so via the Go Fund Me page. 

Thank you very much - and we're sure we can already hear the cats purring with their thanks and gratitude!